Offensively eclectic and hip-sway driven, SttM will play Whatever It Takes to get asses in motion: disco, techno, house, hip-hop, drum'n'bass, grime, FWD-style dubstep, new wave, no-wave, R&B, indie dance-rock, ska, dub, and anything else we can think of, all thrown into a blender and thrown at your ears in a completely unpredictable hour-long continuous mix. More info at:
RSS iTunes2017-02-08
Club vs Techno vs Grime
Arca - Umbilical
Ausschuss - Ravoir
acre - Always Crashing
Jacek Sienkiewicz - Sunsetstorm
[Noam Chomsky - Democracy Now Panel: How to Deal with the Tr*** Presidency]
Marcel Dettmann - Soar
2562 - cauldron
Beneath - Stress 1
Mumdance & Logos - Chaos Engine
Moleskin - Clemency
Le Makeup - Founda (Galtier Mix)
Rabit - Pandemic
Dis Fig - Like Rainbow Horse Running Through Misty Brain (Air Max '97 x Oklou)
Sunscreem - Release Me
Lobsterdust - Better Off With Your Head (Yeah Yeah Yeahs x Alice Deejay x Galantis)
Wiley - Flying (Lost Tourist Flip)
D∆WN - Renegades
The Sky Drops - Green to Red
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