You Can't Stop The Signal

That one show by those guys from that one band, where they talk about stuff and interview people.

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This show was around from 2012 to 2014. We let the domain expire so it is over here now. That is the kind of attention to detail you can expect from a show too busy cracking wise to sweat the details.

Ep017: Mark Trombino (Drive Like Jehu, Producer)

Opening a Donut Shop(?!?), Jimmy Eat World, Blink 182 Dude ranch, the making of Yank Crime, thoughts on a Jehu reunion, Primus in Alaska update, Neutron sports analogies. PRFBBQ2013 roundup, Evan is on painkillers, Airplane stories and more.
Filetype: MP3 - Size: 166 MB - Duration: 1:55:52m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)

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