This show was around from 2012 to 2014. We let the domain expire so it is over here now. That is the kind of attention to detail you can expect from a show too busy cracking wise to sweat the details.
2014-04-12 Kowloon Walled City, The city/the band, Going to the same high school as Dream Theatre, How Snailface came out of the RPM challenge, Glose, Combat Audio, recording at Tad’s place, bands not seeing the forest for the tree, making tough decisions MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 177 MB - Duration: 2:02:56m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)
why it was easy to quit Faith No More, playing in castles, Book T, Ernest Gold and Bruno Nicolai, The book of Exodus as surf music, why books are cool, Bellingham to Prague, “Gentrifying ethnic music.”, playing with feel, Angry fetishists, and more. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 189 MB - Duration: 2:11:39m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)
2014-02-04 Christian or not? Oursourcing touring, being a “cool” lawyer, “calling all lawyers”, Signalcast Webbie awards. do people eat breakfast during the week?, the movie Frailty? Fake “book of mormon” contest, Doug Yule’s Velvet Underground/Mae Shi MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 147 MB - Duration: 1:42:08m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)
We talk to Steve about nicknames, origin of Electrical Audio, kids, renting a 4-track to learn record.In Utereo re-release, the full story behind six different Shellac songs (including: Look at ME, I'm A PLANE!), a FOR SERIOUS in depth talk! MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 153 MB - Duration: 2:39:46m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)
(Torche) mini interview, Happy birthday condoms, Steve Brooks moving to SF with his paper shredder, The litigious nature of the Happy Birthday song, Writing process/Torche belongs to the world. Also: Metallica Tour MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 105 MB - Duration: 1:49:30m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)
2013-09-19 Opening a Donut Shop(?!?), Jimmy Eat World, Blink 182 Dude ranch, the making of Yank Crime, thoughts on a Jehu reunion, Primus in Alaska update, Neutron sports analogies. PRFBBQ2013 roundup, Evan is on painkillers, Airplane stories and more. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 166 MB - Duration: 1:55:52m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)
2013-07-08 On being a band that spans time zones, Porche/Torche death match, Scott Kelly and the Temptations, Phil Collins classic albums, Rolling on lipitor, etc. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 188 MB - Duration: 2:11:05m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)
2013-06-20 We talk with 1/2 of the incredible Survival Knife (ORIGIN STORY!), Mr. Sandeno and Mr. Trosper on getting zined, Unwound, Live leaves, entirely too long is spent on Lemonade and a band called The Clappers. Also: Music Directors for TV have terrible taste MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 155 MB - Duration: 1:48:03m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)
2013-06-05 Great talk with Bill Badgley of the enduring and fantastic Federation X of Bellingham. Great talk of classic touring vs. touring in 2013. Crazy stories of liquid acid and adult book stores, and the documentary Kill All Redneck Pricks (KARP!) MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 154 MB - Duration: 1:47:01m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)
Jenny Jones, The World Shouldn't Revolve Around New York, Green Bay, cheesesteak dollars, Signalcast - Season 2, the soundboard MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 174 MB - Duration: 2:00:48m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)
2013-04-17 The idea of home, OAKLAND, M. Night Schlong-a-long, Sound City Movie, Who is Harry Nelson and Where Are My Pants?, Aborted Dave Berger traffic report MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 178 MB - Duration: 2:04:11m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)
2013-03-30 Fleecing the Fans, Enough Talk, Neutron's van was stolen. Wilfred talk. The Bismarck is cursed. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 184 MB - Duration: 2:08:06m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)
2013-03-19 We recap the incredible PRF Thundersnow, meeting Andrew Dice Clay, White power happy hour, "We've Got Wood!" the Gar Wood comedy show and who has the shortest audience. Jam packed with music too. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 202 MB - Duration: 2:20:34m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)
2013-02-11 Battle of the Bands (a real battle?), Neutron owns a Katana, Evan's Guttermouth story, Winter Doldrums and Grievances episode. California Raisins vs. Harlem Globetrotters Pussycat Breakfast and more! MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 177 MB - Duration: 2:03:03m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)
2013-01-31 Andrew vs. Bat Piss (in the eye!!!), Band party fouls, the metal community, returns, the three song rule MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 191 MB - Duration: 2:13:19m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)
2012-12-20 President Bearfucker: Would see. Conan is not Bulletproof (PRFBBQ2012), Birthdays galore, and the Signal “bump”. Do it up! We’re actually getting ok at this crap. MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 194 MB - Duration: 2:15:15m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)